
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2

Here is the update on how things are going.
Read Matthew chapters 8 through 12.
The gospels continually amaze me.All the miracles of Christ that I seem to forget every time I read them, and the way that Jesus was able to answer every charge against him with perfect calm.

Here is my second drawing. Today was the day to draw my favorite animal.

So far I have been having a blast with this project and I am super excited for the rest of this season of Lent.
As always, I hope everyone enjoys these posts!

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

40 Days

Alright everyone,
I mentioned in my Canaletto post that I would be doing something a little bit different in the future (meaning now).
Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. From now until Easter I will be fasting from Facebook, reading through the New Testament, and completing a 40 Day Drawing Challenge.
Here you will find my updates about what God is teaching me and how I am growing spiritually and artistically.

So here goes:

Day 1
I read through Mathew 1-7 Mainly focusing on the Beatitudes. I decided that for the most part I will be using my often wasted time on the bus to complete this part of my challenge since it is a way for me to focus on God early in the morning before my day really gets going.
Second, I learned that I spend more time than I thought on Facebook. Not that I am constantly using it, but I do have it running in the background a lot. Instead, I used the time I am usually on to do some reading and have a better conversation with my friends.
Third. I drew one of my least favorite things - well. The thing I hate to draw the most.  :)
Day one of my challenge was a self portrait. And finding myself with an abundance of time (no Facebook again) I did a second fun picture on the bus ride home:

Personally, I think it looks more like me when it is upside down...
This would be an excellent point to comment on because I would love to see what everyone else thinks  :)

And here is the fun one that I did later on:

Not quite as detailed... But I really don't like drawing my face  :)

Please vote on which one you like more!

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, February 12, 2012


If I had to pick my favorite drawing from the past year this would be it.

This is a detail copy of a Roman arch originally done as a charcoal wash by Canaletto.
Although it is a master-copy piece, it is one that I learned a lot from all the way through, both about technique in general and about the way that I tend to approach my artwork. Because of that I think this has been one of the most important pieces I have ever done.

I certainly hope everyone enjoys this piece  :)

Soli Deo Gloria.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Father Always Said...

This post is a little bit different.
It isn't about what my dad has always said to me. It is about the story My Father Always Said, by Mimi Schwartz. For my English class we were assigned to create a drawing response to a scene from this short story. When I got to this scene I knew I had to draw it. If you are at all intrigued by my picture I would recommend you read the full story. If you do, please come back and let me know what you think of the story, my drawing, or both.

Soli Deo Gloria

P.S. - I am not sure if you can find the story online. I will continue to look, until then, if you are interested let me know as I have a copy.
 - James

Monday, February 6, 2012


I suppose it is about time that I break out one of my pieces that I really loved from last semester. I definitely had a lot of fun on this one, and I hope you all love it as much as I do:


Soli Deo Gloria